BAPS Scholarship 2022


BAPS Scholarship 2022

BAPS is pleased to offer a scholarship (monetary value £1500), to overseas trainee Paediatric Surgeons, who are nearing the end of their paediatric surgical training, or those who have recently been appointed as consultants, to attend the annual BAPS scientific congress.

The ‘BAPS Scholar’ will be selected and nominated by their home specialty associations.

The successful scholar is expected to present a poster at the BAPS International Congress and therefore should submit an abstract for the proposed presentation along with their application*.  The scholar would also be expected to give a short 2 minutes presentation during the International Forum session of the BAPS Congress.

Applications should be made to Pan African Paediatric Surgeons Association.

The application should be forwarded to PAPSA secretariat by the  31st October 2021.

Please send your application to papsahonorarysec(at) and copy in the same email aademuyiwa(at) and Alp.numanoglu(at)*

PAPSA will then forward a recommendation to the International Affairs Committee of BAPS by 30th November 2021, following a local selection process.  The IAC will make a final recommendation by 31st December each year and the decision would be communicated to the successful candidates after confirmation from the BAPS Executive Committee in January.

Applications should include:

1. Short (2 page) Curriculum Vitae in English
2. 200 word document outlining the reasons why this fellowship would be helpful
3. Abstract for poster presentation (maximum 300 words)
4. Letter of support from Head of department and national paediatric surgical association

*The International Affairs Committee WILL NOT ACCEPT any direct applications for the scholarships without endorsement of the applicant’s regional or national paediatric surgical confederation/association.*

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