1. The Association will be called the Pan-African Paediatric Surgical Association (PAPSA).
2. The objectives of the Association are to serve the children of Africa.
2.1 To promote the practice, education, research, and advancement of Paediatric Surgery in
all of Africa
2.2 To promote and maintain the highest clinical and ethical standards including in research.
2.3 To encourage and arrange regular meetings to exchange ideas and share knowledge and
2.4 To foster professional relations with Paediatric Surgeons throughout the world.
3.1 Ordinary Members
Any person who is registered as a medical practitioner with the Registering Body of their
Country of Practice is eligible for membership, provided that:
(a) Their professional practice is confined to the practice of Paediatric Surgery, or largely
engaged in Paediatric Surgical practice (at least 50%)
(b) The nature of their practice is such as to give them a special interest in the subject of
Paediatric Surgery. e.g., Paediatric Neurosurgeons, Paediatric Cardiothoracic Surgeons, Paediatric
ENT surgeons, Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeons, Paediatric Urologists, etc.
(c) Overseas Members: Paediatric Surgeons originally from outside Africa, currently practicing
Paediatric Surgery outside Africa, and who have previously practiced in Africa and/or have
significant involvement and/or have an interest in Paediatric Surgery in Africa. They are not eligible
for elected positions.
3.2 Senior Members: Former ordinary or overseas members on their retirement from active
clinical practice. Individual members are expected to inform the Honorary Secretary about their
retirement. They are eligible for elected offices.
3.3 Associate Members:
(a) Consultants in related specialties other than Surgery e.g., Paediatricians, Neonatologists,
Paediatric Anaesthetists, Paediatric Radiologists, Paediatric Pathologists, etc.
(b) Registrars or equivalent trainees in Paediatric surgery, general surgery, or other surgical
(c) Other healthcare providers including nurses in related specialties
(d) Medical students from Africa and the rest of the world, interested in the field and practice
of Paediatric Surgery in Africa
3.4 Honorary Members: World-renowned Paediatric Surgeons or others who have made
outstanding contributions to PAPSA. This membership will be awarded by PAPSA EXCO. They
are not eligible for elected offices.
3.5 Affiliate membership for organizations that support the surgical care of children in Africa
3.6 Application for new membership should be made in writing (an email) to the Honorary
Secretary. Membership requests will be approved by a majority vote of the wider executive
committee of the Association.
3.7 Membership is terminated on:
(a) resignation from the Association, submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary.
(b) failure of payment of due subscriptions for four years. Membership may be reinstated
on payment of arrears of subscriptions due.
1. The general direction and content of the policy and affairs of the Association shall be vested
in the Executive Committee of the Association.
2. The Executive Committee (EXCO) shall hold office for two years and can be re-elected for a
further two years as a group or individuals. It shall consist of a President, a President-elect, an
Honorary Secretary, an Honorary Treasurer, the immediate past Secretary, and the President,
two regional representatives from each of the five (east, west, central, north, and south)
regions in Africa inclusive of the office bearers and two overseas members. The selection of
office bearers should be representative of the membership of the Association. The
representatives of the trainees, the students, and the nursing groups can be invited by the
EXCO to present issues related to their participation in PAPSA.
3. All the office bearers will be elected at the General Meeting and will hold office for two
years and can be re-elected for another final period of two years for the same office. Anyone
who wishes to stand for election of any position other than their current position will be
allowed to do so.
4. The Presidency should rotate from region to region.
5. The method of election of members of the EXCO will be by popular vote at the General
Meeting of the Association.
6. The EXCO will meet before the General Meeting of the Association and shall conduct the
day-to-day business of the Association.
7. The Honorary Secretary of the Association shall keep records of all meetings of the
Association and its Executive Committee and shall conduct all correspondence in connection
with the affairs of the Association.
8. The Honorary Treasurer shall receive all monies due to the Association and shall make all
disbursements authorized by the EXCO and present the audited accounts at each General
9. The EXCO shall have the power to set up sub-committees and for this purpose may co-opt
any member of the Association.
10. EXCO decisions can only be ratified if a quorum of one-third of the total members of the
Executive Committee members is present.
The Association will meet every two years. The meeting of the Association will include the
Business Meeting of the EXCO, the Scientific Meeting of the Association, and the biannual
general meeting.
The local organizing committee (LOC) will be responsible for the organization of the conference.
The Scientific program for the conference will be decided and approved by the Scientific
Committee, which will be constituted under the guidance of the PAPSA EXCO.
The registration fees for each conference will be decided by the LOC and approved by the
PAPSA EXCO. The funds left over after all the dues have been paid by the LOC will be divided as
The LOC will be entitled to keep one-third of the leftover funds and will be expected to transfer
the remaining two-thirds to the PAPSA Bank account at the earliest opportunity. In the unlikely
event of a loss following the disbursement of all financial obligations, the LOC. will defray this
The Association may take such action as may be deemed necessary in all matters affecting the
legitimate interests of its members, provided that any action contemplated by the Association
shall conform with the stated policy of the Association for the time being in force.
Proposals for alterations to the Constitution may be made by any member of the Association,
provided they are submitted in writing to the Honorary Secretary at least three months before
the General Meeting. These proposals are subject to modification and be approved by the
EXCO. Alterations to the Constitution may only be carried by a two-thirds majority of those
present at the General Meeting.
1. An annual subscription to be proposed by the Executive Committee shall be payable by
members of the Association.
2. Senior members: They will be exempt from paying annual membership fees and registration
fees for the biannual PAPSA meetings.
3. All associate members will be eligible for a special reduction in membership fees and
registration fees for all activities.
The activities of the Association shall be suspended if at any time its membership is less than
10 members.